Feel like you need an escape?

I'm so glad you’re here! I want to help you create a life that you don’t feel like you need to escape!


A Little About Me 
I'm Jacki, a cancer survivor, and wife to my favorite person in the world. We live in Missouri with our two beautiful (and crazy) little boys. I love to share the things I’ve learned with others - especially moms that are going through similar mom-life struggles that I have.

In 2012 I was a teenager, diagnosed with cancer only a few years after my family was first introduced to essential oils and an entirely different way of looking at the world. I’m so thankful for everything that our friends taught us, and the things that I learned alongside my parents, because it prepared me to teach my kids a better way! 

I want to share my journey, as well as what I’m learning, because I know what it’s like to feel like you need to get away from your life. But I also know how it feels to not actually want to get away. So I want to build a life that I don’t need to escape - and I want to bring you along with me, so that when we do get away, we can just enjoy a short break, rather than feeling desperate for an escape and dreading going back!

What is it that you feel like you need an escape from? What do you dread going back to most when you do get a break? 

What if that could change? What if you could have the tools in your pocket to support your family’s physical, mental, and emotional well-being, so that you can all thrive? 

I want to help! Use the button below to reach out, so we can chat! 

 Live a Life You Love 
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